What is ISO 37001?

ISO 37001 is an international standard that provides guidelines and requirements for implementing an anti-bribery management system. The standard sets forth a series of measures and controls that organizations can adopt to prevent, detect, and address bribery-related risks.

ISO 37001 is designed to help organizations of all sizes and sectors establish a robust anti-bribery framework. It provides guidance on establishing policies, procedures, and controls to prevent bribery, as well as recommendations for conducting risk assessments, due diligence on business associates, and training programs for employees.

The standard emphasizes the importance of a top-level commitment to anti-bribery efforts and encourages organizations to establish a culture of integrity and ethics. It covers a range of bribery-related activities, including bribery of both public and private sector officials, as well as bribery involving third parties acting on behalf of the organization.

ISO 37001 does not provide legal advice or replace national laws and regulations related to bribery. However, it can serve as a useful tool for organizations in implementing effective anti-bribery measures and demonstrating their commitment to ethical business practices.

Standard Version

ISO standards are regularly revised every five years to align with modern trends and requirements. The most recent version of ISO 37001 was released in 2016.

Why was the standard created?

ISO 37001 was created to address the global challenge of bribery and to provide organizations with a framework for implementing effective anti-bribery measures. The standard was developed to achieve several important objectives:

  1. Combatting Bribery: Bribery poses significant economic, social, and ethical risks. It undermines fair competition, distorts markets, erodes trust in public institutions, and hampers sustainable development. ISO 37001 was created to help organizations prevent and address bribery in all its forms.
  2. Establishing Best Practices: The standard aims to establish a set of best practices and internationally recognized guidelines for anti-bribery management systems. By providing a comprehensive framework, ISO 37001 helps organizations implement effective controls, policies, and procedures to prevent bribery.
  3. Enhancing Transparency: ISO 37001 promotes transparency and accountability in organizations. It encourages the establishment of robust anti-bribery measures, risk assessments, due diligence processes, and internal controls. These practices contribute to a more transparent business environment and help prevent corrupt practices.
  4. Promoting a Culture of Integrity: ISO 37001 emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and integrity within organizations. It encourages organizations to foster a culture of integrity and ethics, where bribery is not tolerated and employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing bribery.
  5. Providing a Global Benchmark: ISO 37001 provides a globally recognized benchmark for anti-bribery management systems. It enables organizations to align their practices with international expectations and demonstrate their commitment to combating bribery. The standard promotes consistency and harmonization in anti-bribery efforts across borders.
  6. Facilitating Compliance and Certification: ISO 37001 can be used as a tool for organizations to assess and enhance their anti-bribery practices. Organizations can seek certification against the standard to demonstrate their compliance and commitment to anti-bribery efforts. Certification can be beneficial in building trust with stakeholders, customers, and business partners.

By addressing the challenges of bribery and providing practical guidance, ISO 37001 aims to contribute to a more ethical and transparent business environment globally. It helps organizations establish effective anti-bribery measures and demonstrates their commitment to integrity and ethical conduct.

Benefits of Implementing ISO 37001

Implementing ISO 37001, the international standard for anti-bribery management systems offers several benefits to organizations. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Anti-Bribery Measures: ISO 37001 provides a comprehensive framework for implementing effective anti-bribery measures. By following the standard’s guidelines, organizations can establish robust policies, procedures, and controls to prevent and detect bribery. This helps mitigate the risk of legal, financial, and reputational damage associated with bribery.
  2. Improved Compliance: ISO 37001 assists organizations in meeting legal and regulatory requirements related to anti-bribery. By implementing the standard, organizations can align their practices with internationally recognized guidelines, enhancing their ability to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This can help mitigate legal risks and potential penalties.
  3. Strengthened Reputation: Implementing ISO 37001 demonstrates an organization’s commitment to ethical business practices and integrity. It sends a strong message to stakeholders, customers, and business partners that the organization takes bribery prevention seriously. This can enhance the organization’s reputation and build trust among stakeholders, potentially leading to increased business opportunities.
  4. Enhanced Risk Management: ISO 37001 emphasizes conducting risk assessments and due diligence on business associates and third parties. By implementing these measures, organizations can identify and assess bribery risks throughout their operations and supply chains. This enables proactive risk management and the implementation of appropriate controls to mitigate identified risks.
  5. Improved Efficiency: ISO 37001 promotes the establishment of clear policies, procedures, and controls related to anti-bribery. This clarity and structure contribute to improved operational efficiency within the organization. Employees have clear guidelines to follow, reducing the likelihood of bribery incidents and associated disruptions.
  6. Increased Awareness and Training: The standard encourages organizations to provide anti-bribery training and awareness programs for employees. By educating employees about the risks and consequences of bribery, organizations can foster a culture of integrity and ethical behavior. This can contribute to a more ethical work environment and reduce the likelihood of bribery incidents.
  7. Competitive Advantage: Achieving certification against ISO 37001 can provide organizations with a competitive advantage as it demonstrates to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders that the organization has implemented internationally recognized best practices for anti-bribery. This can differentiate the organization from competitors and enhance its credibility in the market.

It’s important to note that the benefits of implementing ISO 37001 can vary depending on the organization’s size, industry, and specific circumstances. However, overall, the standard provides a structured approach to anti-bribery management, contributing to improved compliance, risk management, reputation, and efficiency.

Who can obtain the certificate?

ISO 37001 certification can be obtained by any organization, regardless of its size, sector, or geographical location. The standard is designed to be applicable to all types of organizations, including private companies, public institutions, non-profit organizations, and government entities. The certificate is not awarded to individuals. However, individuals can obtain a lead auditor certificate in the field of ISO 37001.


Take a proactive stance against bribery and safeguard your organization's integrity with ISO 37001 certification. Request a quote from the Georgian Certification Organization to demonstrate your commitment to ethical business practices and gain a competitive edge in a transparent and trustworthy business environment.

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The certification cost is composed of two main components:

  1. The fee for consulting services associated with the implementation of the international standard.
  2. The external audit fee for evaluating compliance with the international standard.

The precise cost of consulting services and certification can vary based on factors such as the company's industry, size, and specific characteristics. Therefore, it is vital to diligently complete the certification application, ensuring that all details are accurately provided.

Click here to request a quote from the GOC.

The ISO certificate remains valid for a period of three years. During this time, the client is subject to annual audits to ensure continuous compliance with the requirements of the implemented standard.

According to the regulations established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), it is not allowed for the consultant and the certifying body to be affiliated or part of the same organization. It is required to maintain independence and impartiality in the certification process. This separation ensures objectivity and prevents any potential conflicts of interest.

It is recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to select certification bodies whose issued certificates can be verified for validity on the official website of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

Verify the validity of your certificate.

Why choose the Georgian
Certification Organization

We approach each business sector individually, assisting in analyzing their strengths and weaknesses while expanding their opportunities.

At the Georgian Certification Organization, our activities are transparent, and the certificates issued by certification bodies can be verified on the official website of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).



Essential steps to ISO certification




Negotiate and agree on contract terms.


Sign the contract.


Make a 50% payment of the first year's fee for consulting services.



Appoint a contact person responsible for providing information to the consulting team.


Schedule a comprehensive analysis visit by the consulting team to the client's production facility.




Conduct an introductory training session for designated company personnel.


Discuss the results of the gap analysis.


Form working groups.


Agree on the work plan and schedule.



Define the organizational structure.

Identify key processes and supporting processes.


Develop procedures and instructions to align documentation with international standards.




Provide training on planning and conducting internal audits.


Offer consulting support throughout the internal audit process.




Assist company representatives during the external audit.


Analyze the results of the external audit.


Provide recommendations for future audit preparations.